HSM 2.0
We would all LOVE to give each client the absolute best haircut possible but having time to create the perfect formula IS a challenge.
Over the past eight years of teaching Head Shape Matters, time has been the biggest obstacle to stylists using this system. We KNOW that each of our client’s head shape, height, & width is different. HSM gives us the knowledge to completely customize our cuts to the individual, however, that knowledge does not really help if we are too busy to use it.
With this in mind, we are excited to announce HSM 2.0!

READYMADE formulas for our most requested cuts, as well as the latest trends in haircutting! Not only will you have the formula, but it also comes with a video lesson for each cut. You can print out the formulas to keep at your station or just pull them up on your phone. It also includes photos of the cuts for your client to view. These pre-done formulas are based on a “typical” head shape. If your client has a flat spot somewhere, you need only adjust the formula for the problem area.
I have also included extra videos that teach you how to use the Increase/Decrease Table and/or the Projection Chart without the need for formulating, how to save time on HSM sectioning and decreasing the amount of hair you need to cut. It is HSM made easy.
The nine readymade formulas include 3 different bobs, 2 curly cuts, 2 shags, and 1 modern mullet. In total you will find 24 videos in the HSM 2.o portal.
Purchasing HSM 2.0 gives you unlimited access to all videos.
We are offering HSM 2.0 for a one-time fee of $99.00!!!