Do you ever feel like there has to be a BETTER way to cut hair?
Welcome to Head Shape Matters,The Patented Cutting Method. HSM will give you a road map to customize each cut for each client's unique head shape.
The few challenges that seem to haunt most of us as hairstylist..
Even when we we take our time and do everything “right” it can still not look right. I don’t know about you but these are the things that drove me crazy…
- How side parts can make layers appear unbalanced. Heavy and short on one side and NO layers on the other.
- What to do about super heavy weight line on top without needing to break a sweat and texturize the #@%& out of everything and take forever!
- Where did that hole come from?
- HAVING to texturize because you don’t know how else to make things blend.
- Blending the hair but the layers STILL look choppy!
- Having to cut it shorter than the client wanted because the ends look too thin.
- How to layer bangs effectively and remove heaviness.
Once I actually sat down and started researching these common challenges, it’s like a veil was lifted!
There IS an explanation! Once I understood WHY these things happened, I was able to create a system of cutting to overcome them.
And so the patented Head Shape Matters haircutting system was born, and I’ve shared its career-changing benefits with over 5,000 hairstylists from around the world…just like you.
No more crossing my fingers and offering up prayers to the hair gods!
This foolproof system enables you to consistently create beautiful, accurate haircuts, based on your client’s own unique head shape, and taking into account their individual hair density, growth patterns and hairline.
Locations & Dates
no refunds can be granted on class tickets
what other stylists are saying
"I love having a formula... I know I can deliver now and not just hope for the best! Game changer."
I took the class because I felt stuck. I wasn't able to create the shapes I had in my head and I wanted to know why.I would always 'wing it' and hope that I could create the cut I was aiming for and maybe be able to recreate it the next time. Now I have the knowledge as to how and why. I'm so much more confident in my cuts and I love having a formula to go back to when my client returns for a trim! When my client says 'I love what you did last tme, do exactly that again!' I know I can deliver now and not just hope for the best! Game changer. Jillian Mauriello
"We could absorb each lesson without feeling overwhelmed"
I feel like the information is amazing and I love how it was broken down so basic each week, so we could absorb each lesson without feeling overwhelmed. Jen LeeAnn Stapleton
"No more guessing what I should do..."
I took the class because I felt uncertain on how to create shapes. I'd see a cut and think I knew what to do and would get started and I'd get lost in the shape I set out to create. I felt like using HSM would help me to establish what I needed to know when it came to cutting a client's hair, no more guessing what I should do, I needed to know with certainty and I felt it would help with that. Aminah Lateefa
"I hated the unpredictability of cutting.. Now I can cut a client's hair one time rather than three times."
I took a one-day class to see if it was too good to be true with being able to predict how a cut would turn out before even picking up my shears. I hated the unpredictability of cutting. Then I went to certification because I was it work in person, and wanted to able to do it. Now I can cut a client's hair one time rather than three times. Vicki Guffey
"Because of HSM my passion has been reignited and my creative battery is totally recharged!"
"I took the online course first to make sure this old dog could learn a new trick. Boy did I learn it! My haircutting world was turned upside down and I needed MORE! I have about 15 years left to go before retirement and knew I didn't want to do the same old thing with the same old results when I could do something so much better with this system. Because of HSM my passion has been reignited and my creative battery is totally recharged!" Melanie Stephens Wingate
"I would finally truly learn how to cut hair..."
After about 30 years of doing hair full time I discovered HSM and was addicted to watching Kim's videos convinced that if I took the course I would finally truly learn how to cut hair. I was right and very thankful. Carol Eckert