In Nov. 2014, we held our first HSM Certification in Atlanta, GA. Since that time, we have had over 20 Certifications from Coast to Coast and lots of states in between. I think we can all agree that there is nothing like being in a hands-on class! However, taking 5 days off work, paying for hotel rooms, flights, eating out, etc… can become very costly and takes a lot of planning. There are those of you that have taken the HSM Online Course and really “GET IT” but have not been able to attend a LIVE HSM Certification.
We are excited to now offer HSM Certification ONLINE!!!

Each student going through Online Certification will be assigned your own personal Educator. Each member of the Certification team is highly qualified, as they have led multiple LIVE Certifications.
We will try to assign an Educator that is compatible with your time zone, when possible. Once you have been assigned an Educator, they will personally reach out to you. Together you will make a schedule for your weekly video conference time.
Each member of our Education Team is also a stylist behind the chair. Their time is valuable and limited, just as yours is. It is especially important to keep all scheduled appointment times or you may have to forfeit that week’s meeting.
- We will ship you a copy of the Textbook: The Math and Science of Haircutting
- Must commit to 4-5 hours each week for 6 weeks.
- Must have uncut mannequin with 21” or longer hair.

As much as we all LOVE hands-on Education, sometimes it is just not possible. I am in college now for Math and Physics. Since the Pandemic, my classes have all been online. I was afraid to take math classes this way, but it has turned out to be a huge PLUS. I can watch, rewatch, stop and pause the lessons, as much as I need to, to comprehend the information. I would not be able to do that in a LIVE class.
I have deadlines each week for my coursework. If I do not turn it in by the deadline, I get a zero. That is the only way to assure that we get through all the information, within the allotted time. In this course, you too will have assignments due each week. If the assignments are not turned in that week, you will not pass this course. It is INTENSIVE and requires a time commitment of 3-4 hours each week.
timeline for assignments
During the first 3 weeks, you are required to accomplish the following:
- Read the assigned chapters.
- Watch the corresponding video lessons.
- Complete & turn in the “Practice” segment for each assigned chapter.
- Schedule video conference with Educator to go over that week’s assignments and progress.
- Complete Assessments at the end of each Chapter.
During week 4, schedule video conference for a mock technical test-out. Educator will work with you on any areas that need improvement. Your Educator will also answer any questions to help you prepare. At the end of the 4th week, you will complete your 3-part test-out.
Week 1: Chapters 1-4
Week 2: Chapters 5-7
Week 3: Chapters 8-10
Week 4: Prep for Test
Week 5: Certified Haircutter Test Out
Educator will have 5 business days to grade test-outs and watch your technical video submission. Once Educator has completed the assessment, you will be contacted with your results.